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Fearless Females - Day 19

This is a blogging theme for the month of March which is Women's History Month. I'm a bit behind but do want to participate in the daily blogging posts. These 31 posts will be posted between my two blogs "My Trails Into the Past" and "Mam-ma's Southern Family."

March 19 — Have you discovered a surprising fact about one of your female ancestors? What was it and how did you learn it? How did you feel when you found out?

My grandmother, Anna M Sullivan's aunt was Helena M Gleeson.  Helena never married and was a school teacher at Prescott School in Anaconda, Montana.  What surprised me was what I found in a city directory:  in 1936, she was listed as Principal!

Anaconda City Directory, 1936, p 32

Now I need to do some research about Prescott School in Anaconda.  I will contact the Historical Society and the School District to see what I can find about her career there.

Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past


  1. The Prescott school in Anaconda still stands on Commercial street right next to the Dairy Queen. It was converted into the Elanor Apartments a long time ago, stood vacant for several years, and was recently renovated. My parents live across the alley from the DQ, and my grandmother grew up in the house right next door to the Prescott school, and attended school there. The Prescott school had a twin on the east side of town called the Bryan school. I remember that being a school up until about the late 70s or very early 80s. It was closed, and torn down soon after.

  2. Thanks, Eric, for your information. I see I failed to follow up on my research task and your comment gives me the reminder. Thanks for stopping by.


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