Not much is known about my maternal great-grandmother, Nell Hutson. Few records were created that name her. Her nephew, Pete White stated on Nell’s sister, Annie Pearl’s death certificate that she was born in Gustine. [1] Perhaps Nell was born there, too. Her tombstone lists her full birth and death dates: born 8 February 1888 and died 14 July 1919. [2] No death certificate has been found for Nell. Even searching line by line in the Comanche County death register found no record. Deaths had been recorded since the early century. Only a short and very uninformative obituary marked her passing and doesn’t even mention her first name, typical of the era. Mrs. Tom Johnson Dead. Mrs. Tom Johnson died on Monday, July 14, at the family residence in Comanche and was buried Tuesday at 10 a.m. at Union cemetery at Gustine. The many friends of the family will learn with keen regret of Mrs. Johnson's untimely death, passing away as she did in the prime of life when so much of her life was ...
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.