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Monday Genea-pourri, Weeks of Sep 9-15, 2019

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Blog Writing:

Webinars/Study Groups Attended: 
  • Advanced DNA Techniques: Using Phasing to Test DNA Segments—Blaine Bettinger, Legacy Family Tree Webinars

Own Work:
I did not get much work done this week, though I worked on the curriculum for my adult school course. I met with the education coordinator and viewed my classroom, learned how to record roll, operate the projector, and use the copier. I have eighteen students and am looking forward to October 3, my first class.

I have a new part-time position. I'll be doing genealogy research for the woman I had the interview with last week. It's not super steady, which is fine with me. I'll be able to do traveling and other things. 

All three of my German classes began this week. We might have new students in Nancy’s class on Monday nights. I hope they stay. I shared about my train-boat-auto trip this past summer in the Wednesday class. In Thursday’s class, I could only stay the first hour. It will be good practice to have the three classes.

We visited with daughter, Elizabeth, at the Harvest Festival in Santa Rosa, and then dinner at her restaurant. It was a nice visit and we managed to find some interesting teas at the festival, and ate delicious food at the restaurant.

This weekend was the model railroad show at the Walnut Creek Model Railroad Society. I operated most of both days and am feeling very comfortable now with the layout and communicating on the headsets. I know my way most of the time now.

My cell phone died, so no photos this week from my phone. It’s awaiting a new battery at the shop and I hope that fixes it. I’m not looking forward to finding a replacement. The photos below were taken with the ipad, which does not have a very good camera. The shot with Elizabeth is of the full moon. It was almost dark, so no idea why it picked up so much light.

Copyright © 2019 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
