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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Three Things For Father's Day

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

It's Saturday Night Again - 

Time For Some More Genealogy Fun!!

Our assignment from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings tonight is to: 

1)  It's Father's Day on Sunday.  Tell us three things about your father, or one of your grandfathers (or another male ancestor), that have influenced you in your life.

Here’s mine:
1) I am a San Francisco Giants baseball fan because of my father and his mother, my Nana. I remember one spring day when he took us from school and we drove over to Candlestick Park for a Giants game. However, it started to rain before we got to the Bay Bridge and the game was called a rainout. We were so disappointed. We got a rain check and went later in the season.

2) For a few years in the 1970s I was an Oakland Raiders fan. Dad had season tickets and he took me a few times. I didn’t understand all the nuances of the game, but he patiently explained them to me. What I didn’t like was he never stayed til the end of the game, wanting to “beat the traffic.” There were times when the Raiders were behind when we left and they then scored while we were on our way to the car. That was always a bummer. When the Raiders moved to Los Angeles the first time, he switched to the 49ers. I lost interest in football but still love my Giants.

3) Dad worked in produce at grocery stores and because of that I love vegetables and fruit more than meat. He brought cuttings from the day’s work for our goat and bruised fruit so we could make cobblers or jams. But we also had fresh fruits and vegetables, too. I loved stopping by the store after school and picking out a golden delicious apple to eat. The bakery was next to the produce department. My dad’s favorite doughnut was a maple bar, but he also liked old-fashioned. Me, too!

Dad was also a great BBQer and loved to have pool parties for family. It was always fun to spend time with family.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Those are three great memories from your Dad's influence. I know you're a sports fan and I loved the comment about liking fruits and vegies more than meat.

  2. What great memories you have! It's a shame the Raiders abandoned the Bay Area, but I know you're still a die-hard Giants fan.


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