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SNGF -- Have You Made Progress on Your 2024 Genealogy Goals?

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

It's Saturday Night again - 

Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Our assignment from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings is to: 

1)  Marian B. Wood wrote a blog post, Halfway Through 2024: Genealogy Progress and Plans, to assess her progress to date in 2024.  This is an excellent idea for a SNGF challenge.

2)  How are you doing with your genealogy goals for 2024?  If you did not make goals for 2024, what goals do you hope to achieve in the rest of the year?

Here’s mine:
I read Marian’s post and thought to look at my own 2024 goals to see how I have done. These are my goals, which I posted here.

2024 Goals

1. Organize my photos and files.

2. Write 4 research reports and articles

3. Write a book on my Hork family

4. Write more blog posts

5. Create 1-2 presentations that use case studies as its theme

I have accomplished a lot this year, but I have not done well with my goals. Here’s what I’ve done:

Photos & Files
The photos have not been touched, but I have downsized some paper files and scanned many documents at the Oakland FamilySearch Center using their copy machine. Progress: 25% completed.

Research Reports
I have started two research reports, working on my Polly and my Lancaster families. They are not yet finished. I wrote two articles for publication this year: one is my regular column in the California Nugget (journal of the California Genealogical Society) and another archive article for Der Blumenbaum (journal of the Sacramento German Genealogy Society). Reports are 20% done. Articles written 50% done.

Hork Family Story
I have not written anything about my Hork family. In fact, it’s not even on my radar until I looked at my goals. I wrote a couple of blogs about the family. 0% done.

Blog Writing
I generally write 3 blog posts a week, but occasionally I’ll write an extra one. I wrote 6 extra ones so far, two about using the new every-word search at FamilySearch. If I tried to write one extra per week, then I did 11%.

I have not created any case study-themed presentation yet. I should get with someone who has done these and brainstorm what I could do, or I could analyze those on Legacy Family Tree Webinars to see if something there will spark an idea in my own work. I created one new presentation so far about the BLM website. So let’s call this 5%.

Overall, I have not done well with my goals. I have gotten side-tracked with other things. I took a 10-day research trip to Texas to research my Polly, Johnston, Lancaster, and Coor families. I still have processing to do from that trip. And my last trip, I did some research in Joliet, Illinois on my Sievert family and have deeds to process.

I think I’m really a squirrel. New things come along and I go down those new trails. I’ll try to get some of the list done in the next six months.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Ooh, look at the shiny thing! Yup, we all have that problem, I think. But I have faith you'll catch up.

  2. Your research trip must have given you tons of raw data for your family history projects! So actually you're moving the goal posts ;) And you are inspiring me to try to come up with ideas for a new presentation, which I haven't done in 2024. Take care.

    1. Thank you. I needed that! Good luck on your presentations, too!

  3. We're all getting distracted by other fun things. I'm glad I'm not the only one so far behind!


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