I have completed two hundred and fifty-one (251) weeks of semi-lockdown due to Covid-19. My outside activities were trips to the History Center, phenology, and train club. Genealogy Genealogy Writing/Research: I continued working on the Haley & Thomas families and wrote a blog post. Most of my writing this week has been lesson plans for my upcoming AppGen course on the public domain land. Registration will begin this week on January 15. Blog Posts Published: Discovering the Death of John B. Thomas, husband of Mary Ann Haley of Mississippi I wrote up the results of research that answered a research question. It’s the start of a series on my blog Mam-ma’s Southern Family. Favorite Photo – Billy Hork with his Older Sisters For the 52 Ancestors’ theme “Favorite Photo,” I posted a 1935 photo of my father with his three older sisters. SNGF: Do You Have a Digital Genealogy Library? I wrote about how I store digital copies of books, handouts, and lesson plans. Genealogy Meetings: I ha...
My Trails into the Past
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.