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Tombstone Tuesday -- John H. Sullivan

John Sullivan
1854 - 1932"

That is what the tombstone of my great-grandfather, John H. Sullivan, reads.  I received this photo from one of my father's cousins, who lives in Southern California.  The photo does not say which cemetery he is buried in.  His death certificate states "burial Catholic Cemetery Pomona."

So I visited the Catholic Cemetery in Pomona last June when I attended Jamboree.  This cemetery is Holy Cross Cemetery on 444 E. Lexington Avenue in Pomona.  I checked in with the office staff.  I had other Sullivan and Patterson family members to locate but they were unable to locate any record of John Sullivan, even checking the old ledgers.  There is another cemetery in Pomona, adjacent to Holy Cross called Pomona Cemetery.  John Sullivan was Roman Catholic and was not buried in Pomona Cemetery.

So where is John located?  I wandered around the tombstones of his children who were buried there but did not find him. This is still a mystery to solve.  I will write to my father's only living cousin to see if she remembers.

Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past


  1. Lisa, I am the daughter of Thomas Patterson, granddaughter of Loretto Patterson. John Sullivan is buried at the Catholic Cemetery in Pomona. I remember seeing the grave when I went there with my parents.

    Ellen Patterson Jardino

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I wish I could have found it while wondering around. Also, I've scanned some photos of when I visited your grandmother in 1969 and at least one has you in it. Would love to send them to you. Leave a message with your email. I promise not to publish the message.


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