John Edward Lundquist was born 120 years ago today on 31 Dec 1892 to Pehr Alfred Lundquist and Mathilda Lovisa Eriksson-Holm. [1] He was their first of three children. The family was living in Stanton, Montgomery County, Iowa and his father was a farmer. His parents were both from Sweden but met in Iowa. I have a copy of John’s birth record, written out in 1983. Birth record for John Edward Lundquist Here his father was listed as Peter Lundquist and mother as Holm. I also have a photocopy of the family bible where it was written in Swedish of John’s birth: “ Sonern John Edward föd den 31 December 1892” (son John Edward born the 31 December 1892). John would later move to Hilmar, Merced Co., California with his parents and marry Signe Maria Hilena Johnson. They had one son. He spent his life as a farmer and died 23 Oct 1970 in Turlock. ------------------------------------------- [1] Montgomery County Register of Births, Bk 2, Birth...
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.