The prompt for week 3 is:
Describe your physical self
- Your size – clothes size
- Scars
- Eye color
- Draw your hands
- Finger Prints
I have very dark brown hair that is cut short with a part on the side. I have a huge cowlick in the front but I make use of it by flipping up my bangs. This is the same cowlick that is passed down from the Johnston Family. There is a bit of gray throughout, too, and I don’t even care. After watching my mother bleach her hair/roots, I decided it is too much work to color hair.
I have dark brown eyes and brown skin that easily tans. When I was young I thought I looked like my dark-haired father, but as I age I can see I’m looking more like my mother and grandmother with the high cheek bones.
I have a scar on my right eyebrow where I fell on the corner of the coffee table when about 2 and had a bunch of stitches. People used to ask about the scar when I was younger but I haven’t been asked in years. I think a scar on the face is a rite of childhood. So many people have them.
I have all my parts except for 4 wisdom teeth and 4 molars that were removed when I had braces. I’ve never broken a bone, nor been in the hospital except to have 2 babies.
I wear size 7 shoes and hate heels. I have bunions so prefer shoes that are wide and comfortable. I always wear shoes and rarely walk barefoot. Give me Birkenstocks, Keens, or Eccos!
My hands are small with very short fingers. It made it hard to play the piano and I cannot make a bar chord on my guitar. I try to keep the nails short and never paint them. I wear only my wedding band and a watch on my left wrist. Occasionally I’ll wear a bracelet on my right wrist.
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