Nils Arthur Nathaniel Nilsen |
Nils Arthur Nathaniel Nilsen was born 118 years ago today on 15 March 1894. His parents were Rev. Nils Malkom Nilsen and Hulda Charlotta Anderson-Carlson. Arthur was born in Youngstown, Mahoning Co., Ohio, where his father was the pastor of the Swedish Church on Poland Avenue. He was their first child and would be the oldest of six (four brothers and one sister) children.
Arthur was an avid reader and was self-taught in many subjects. He worked many different jobs, as a clerk at the post office, farmer, truck driver, electrician, and chicken rancher.
Arthur c. late 1940s |
Arthur was my husband's grandfather. He died 19 September 1954 in Sacramento, California, when my husband was nearly two years old. He never got the chance to know him.
Copyright © 2013 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past
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