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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Write Your Name in Viking Runes

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing has a new assignment for us:
1) CVGS colleague Karen Y. found this fun website - So click on the "Launch Interactive" button, enter your name, or some phrase of your choice, and see how it looks in runes.

2) I thought it would be ideal for a fun and fast SNGF project. You can impress your friends and grandchildren with it, and maybe it will be a chart-storm on Facebook.
3) Share your runic names or phrases with us in a blog post of your own, in a comment to this post, in a Facebook post or a Google+ post. Please provide a link to your response if you can.
So I gave it a try and here is my name: Lisa Suzanne Gorrell in Runes:

Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
