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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- A Family's Increase

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing has a new mission for us:
1) Pick one of your sets of great-grandparents - if possible, the one with the most descendants.
2) Create a descendants list for those great-grandparents either by hand or in your software program.
3) Tell us how many descendants, living or dead, are in each generation from those great-grandparents.
4) How many are still living? Of those, how many have you met and exchanged family information with? Are there any that you should make contact with ASAP? Please don't use last names of living people for this - respect their privacy. 
5) Write about it in your own blog post, in comments to this post, or in comments or a Note on Facebook.
1) My Great-grandparents were Johan Anton Hork (1843-1906) & Julia Ann Sievert (1854-1928).

2) I used RootsMagic7 to make a Descendant’s Report.

3) Their descendants are (the best that I know):
  • Children = 10 (all deceased)
  • Grandchildren = 16 (1 still living)
  • Great-grandchildren = 45 (37 living)
  • 2x-grandchildren = 35 (33 living)
  • 3x-grandchildren = 7 (all living)

4) The total increase is at least 113 and most likely more. I do not know the relatives of the ones who lived in Montana, Utah, and Washington. Of the 113 that I have counted, I have met 44, although I have communicated with a few by email and letter.

I need to find more descendants of:
  • Susan Veronica Hork (1877-1922 & Andrew Edward Hart (1877-1955)
  • Anthony Hork (1886-1966) & Mary Kelly (1891-1971)
  • Urselle C Hork (1892-1951) & Bernard V Schwalen (1888-1962)

I have their children and grandchildren but do not know of any great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren. Their brother (my grandfather) moved to California and didn’t keep in contact much. 

Perhaps I should do a bit of searching or writing letters to learn more about more recent births. 

Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Nice job Lisa. I too have not searched out a lot of the more distant living family. I tend to be more interested in my initial research goal of getting each line possible to immigration.


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If you are family and want to be contacted, contact me at snrylisa @