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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Recent Ancestor Photographs

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing has another great assignment for us.
1)  Do you have photos of all of your ancestors back to the 1850 time frame?  Which recent ancestors do you not have a photograph of? 
2)  Review your files, and list the ancestors for whom you want and/or need to find a photograph.  Also list where they resided and where they died.  Where would you look to find a photograph of them?

3)  Share your answers on your own blog post (and leave a comment here with a link), or on Facebook or other social media.
So here’s mine:

I have photos of my parents, my four grandparents, and seven out of my great-grandparents. I have photos of  ten out of sixteen great-great-grandparents. And I have only two out of thirty-two 3X great-grandparents.

Of my great-grandparents:
I have not found a photo of Johan Anton Hork (1843-1906).

Of my great-great-grandparents:
I need a photo of Vincent Sievert (1823-1890) & his wife Susanna Raduntz (1832-1911). I have tried many years ago by contacting other Sievert descendants. Maybe someday.

Jeremiah Sullivan (1811-1888) and his wife, Mary Sheehan (1822-1892). They died in Todd Co, Minnesota.

Joseph Heinrich Horoch (1804-1857) and his wife Maria Catharine Trösster (1813-1874). They died in Oberhundem, Westfalen. I doubt I’ll find photos of them.

Of my great-great-great-grandparents: The only ones that fit the date criteria are:
Martin Gleeson (1787-1859) who died in rural Canada.

Samuel Johnston (1816-1869) who died in Titus Co., Texas and his wife, Elizabeth McCormack (1814-1891).

Benjamin W. Jones (1822-aft 1861) who died in the Civil War, and his wife, Amanda A Haley (1827-1904). If he had been in the Union Army I might expect to find a photo, however he was in the Confederate Army and I don't even know which unit. This is a big brick wall.

Greenlee Bean Selman (1820-1888) and his wife, Amanda Deborah Oldham (1822-1880). They both died in Texas.

George Wilson Lancaster (1839-1919). He died in Erath Co, Texas. I have a photo of his wife with her second husband.

James Madison Coor (1833-1889). He died in Texas. His wife, Melissa Ann Welch died in 1876 in Copiah Co, Mississippi. They were probably too poor to have any photographs.

Jesse Loveless (1806-1873) and his wife, Elizabeth Nixon (1810-aft 1876). They died in Faulkner Co, Arkansas.

Some of these last group probably never had photos taken of them. However, if anyone out there has a photo of my ancestors, I would love to see it!

Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I have a Sullivan line. I don't have a Jeremiah listed in my tree but perhaps there is some connection? Good luck in finding pictures of your family!


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