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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Make ONE Resolution/Goal for 2018

Randy Seaver for Genea-Musing has another great mission for us this week:

Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible! music) is to:

1) Did you make any New Years Resolutions, or state Goals and Objectives, for genealogy research in 2018? If so, tell us about them.

2) If not, then make ONE resolution, or state one goal, for your genealogy research that you are determined to keep during 2018. We'll check on progress toward that resolution/goal during the year in SNGF (if I remember!).

3) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, or in a Facebook status post or Google+ Stream post.

I have never been one to have "Resolutions." They are so easily broken before the end of January. But I truly like the idea of goals. I have many goals: exercise more, eat better, write more in my blog, find more birds this year, etc...

But my main goal this year is to turn in my BCG portfolio. I think I can make this happen. It is more than half way completed. I probably won't get it in before my clock runs out on March 3. I will probably have to extend for another year, but my goal is for 2018 to be the year it is turned in!

Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Good luck with your resolution/goal. My goal for the new year is to be systematic about setting my genealogy research goals and prioritize the ones my mother is most interested in.

  2. Good luck with your goal to turn in your BCG portfolio, Lisa! I'll be working on that same goal myself this year. Thank you for adding your post to the Genealogy Blog Party! :-)

  3. Thank you, Elizabeth. Good luck to you, too!

  4. Hi Lisa, That's a terrific goal, especially since you are already half way done with your portfolio. Looking forward to seeing you at RootsTech.


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If you are family and want to be contacted, contact me at snrylisa @