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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of May 10–16, 2021

I have completed sixty-one (61) weeks of semi- “lock down” due to Covid-19. This past week, I stayed home more. I volunteered at the History Center, went to the meadow for phenology, and ran trains at the club for our open house. I went for a couple of walks but did that alone.


Blog Writing:

Week 19: Mother’s Day—Compendium of Posts About My Mother I have written about my mother in a number of posts and created a compendium of them.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – How Many Trees or Bushes in Your Family Tree Database? I wrote about my one tree in RootsMagic and that I have a barebones tree on all the DNA sites.

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I attended Monday Morning where 18 attended, Amigos on Wednesday, and Peer Group on Friday where we continued discussion Blaine’s book. I attended the CCCGS annual meeting on Thursday. Sunday, I attended our last session on the book 1919: The Year of Racial Violence.

Webinars & Classes Attended
: I attended a class on Interment & Mass Incarceration camps in the US at CGS and another on WWI and WWII online records with the King County Gen Soc. I viewed no webinars.

Client Work/Presentations
I worked on the Bray research all week. I love researching in Montana records.   

Volunteer & Own Work:
I continued working on the library inventory at the History Center with John’s help. I haven’t been working on any of my own work, though I worked a little on a possible article for The Swedish Genealogist. I need to access ArkivDigital at the Family History Center to get proper citations. My Swedish record citations come from Genline. So I have the article on hold for the moment.

Other: I attended the board and business meetings at the Walnut Creek Model Railroad Society on Friday where I took the minutes and ran trains for the public show on Saturday. Being in a mask all day was tiring. I also attended all three German classes and the Rails by the Bay meeting.

I’m reading the following books:

  • 1919, The Year of Racial Violence by David F. Krugler—finished!
  • The Family Tree by Karen Branan
  • Schooled by Gordon Korman

Photos taken this week:

Same type of tree (Cal Buckeye) -
different sized blooms

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2021 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
