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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- What Are You Reading This Summer?

It's Saturday Night -

time for more Genealogy Fun!

Our mission from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings is to:

1) What are you reading this summer?  Does it help your genealogy research? [Thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting topics!]

2)  Write your own blog post, or add your response as a comment to this blog post, in a Facebook Status post or note.

Here's mine:

I read a lot, both fiction and since the pandemic started and I joined a book club, nonfiction. I have been making note of the books I have read in my weekly Genea-pourri blog posts.

Currently, I’m reading The Birth Certificate: An American History by Susan J. Pearson for a book club. We’ll discuss the book over three Zoom meetings.

I also started Singin’ in the Rain: The Making of an American Masterpiece by Earl J Hess & Pratibha A. Dabholkar. “Singin’ in the Rain” is one of my favorite movies and it’s interesting how they came up with the idea and make the film. I also purchased a biography of Gene Kelly. I almost never read biographies.

The last fiction books I read are mysteries and historical fiction:

  • Murder on Wall Street and Murder on Madison Square, both by Victoria Thompson. I really enjoy historical fiction and historical mysteries.
  • Death in a Strange Country by Donna Leon is a mystery about Venetian Commissario Guido Brunetti. I have just started the series and really enjoy it.
  • Switchboard Soldiers by Jennifer Chiaverini, is a novel about the telephone operators in France during World War I. I had previously read the non-fiction book, The Hello Girls: America’s First Women Soldiers by Elizabeth Cobbs, so I knew the story already. Jennifer did a good job of bringing the characters to life.

I keep track of the books I read on Goodreads and participate in the yearly challenge. This year, I said I’d read 45 books. So far, I’ve read 33, with twelve more to go. Let’s see, that’s three a month. I can do that!

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Interesting that you don't read many biographies. They are one of my favorite types of books that aren't genealogically related. I bet you make your reading goal!

    1. Biographies were my mother's favorite, especially of famous people. I never cared about famous people.

  2. Interesting that you don't read many biographies. They are my favorite type of non-fiction. I am sure you will make your 2022 book goal!

  3. I'm always looking for a good mystery series. I'll have to check our the Venetian Commissario.


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