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Colorful in Youth; Black and White in Elder Years

In the years I knew my aunt, Bev, she wore what I considered drab clothing. She came to our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners wearing black, white, or silver outfits. I could never understand why she had to be so uncolorful. These colors did match her silver-gray hair, and she always wore bright red lipstick to brighten up her face.
Beryl on the right, her sister-in-law, Pansy on the left

Pansy (left) & Beryl (right)

It wasn’t until later that I learned that black and other dark, solid colors have a slimming effect, and that was likely why she dressed that way. 

I have a collection of color slides of my aunt. These images delight my sisters and me. They are of her posing in various outfits probably in her home so that she could change into them easily. I have no idea who took the images, but as we can see, she was very photogenic. These images prove she wore lots of color in her younger years.

#52Ancestors-Week 45: Colorful

This is my seventh year working on this year-long prompt, hosted by Amy Johnson Crow ( at Generations Cafe
I write weekly on one of my two blogs: Mam-ma’s Southern Family or My Trails into the Past. I have enjoyed writing about my children’s ancestors in new and exciting ways.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. It is fun to see ancestors at different times in their lives. They changed and grew into different people. I love all the pictures.

  2. She had some great taste in clothing. And I noticed in her earlier years she was already using the red lipstick!

  3. I liked the photos, and the painting behind her.


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