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Showing posts from July, 2024

Using a Small Plane to Document a Railroad Museum

In 1980, I went on a plane ride with a friend from the model railroad club. We left from Buchanan Airport in Concord, California and flew to Stockton Airport where we took a break and then flew back. It was a two-seater plane and very noisy. I had to wear headphones so we could talk. I don’t remember exactly what we flew over except that I requested we fly over the Junction, what we called the California Railway Museum (now called the Western Railway Museum), located on Highway 12 between Fairfield and Rio Vista. John was a little nervous to fly over the museum, as the Travis Air Force Base air space was very near the edge of the museum. So we flew on the east side, away from their air space. I had brought my camera and took a few shots. This is what the museum looked in in 1980. The long building is a car barn, housing many of the old streetcars and interurbans. The smaller, but wider building is the shop. The building on the west side next to the railroad tracks was called “Terry’s

Monday Genea-pourri, Week of June 24–30, 2024

I have completed two hundred and twenty-five (225) weeks of semi-lockdown due to Covid-19. I spent the week mostly indoors, attending GRIP virtually. Wednesday, I volunteered at OFSC, Friday, I ran trains at the WCMRS show, and on Saturday, I attended a memorial for a member of our Friends of Alhambra Creek group. Genealogy Genealogy Meetings:   I met with Jacqueline via Zoom on Monday, and Wednesday (Amigos), where we discussed our GRIP classes and the programs that were discussed in the evening webinars. We also did a lot of texting as we tried out Family Tree Notebook pages. I popped into the Monday Morning meeting during our lunch break at GRIP and said hello. Genealogy Writing/Research: I spent most of the week in a class, but created an ancestor profile for my husband’s farming ancestor, Amos Gorrell. Over the weekend, I cleaned up many folders in my download folder, renaming them, entering the info in RootsMagic, and filing them in the appropriate folders. I had scanned pa