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Showing posts from October, 2024
SNGF -- Share How You've Implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Your Genealogy Research Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: It's Saturday Night again - Time for some more Genealogy Fun!! Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings has given us an assignment tonight to: 1)   Share one way in which you've implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your genealogy research  (You can do more than one if you like!).  What AI tools did you use? [thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting this topic!] Here's mine: I have subscribed to ChatGPT+ since I took an NGS class on using AI last year. I also follow Steve Little, who instructed the course, and Mark Thompson on their podcast AI Genealogy Insights.  I also have watched the Family Locket gals’ Diana Elder and Nicole Dyer, videos and listened to their podcasts on how they have utilized AI in their work. I follow these genealogists because I don’t want to fall behind in understanding the technology, but I have decided to

Least Amount of Maternal Cousins

My mother, Lela Nell Johnston, was an only child, so we have no first cousins on our mother’s side. We had an abundance of cousins on my father’s side, as two of his three sisters had children totaling nine first cousins. We saw them perhaps once or twice a year. My mother had seven first cousins from her uncle, R.D. Lancaster, and two from her uncle, Wayne Lancaster. That totals nine maternal first cousins. On her father’s side, her Aunt Mildred Johnston Bay had two daughters, her Uncle Hal Johnston had three children, and Luther Johnston had one child, for a total of six first cousins. That means I have fifteen first cousins, once removed. Of my mother's cousins, she was probably closest to Aunt Mildred’s oldest daughter, Sandra, who was near her age. The other children were much younger than she. I have many photos of Sandra and her together before my grandparents and my mother moved to California. Lela Nell Johnston, left, Sandra Bay, right   #52Ancestors-Week 40: Least