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SLIG 2018-Tuesday


The second day at the Advanced Land Tools: Maps was fantastic! After learning all about migration routes, we worked on land platting. With protractors and rulers, and the land description, we were able to plat it out. It’s not so hard. Reminded me a lot of high school geometry class (which was my favorite math class).

After learning to do it on paper, we went to the Family History Library computer lab and learned how to plat the same land using a program called Deedmapper. It’s a program I definitely want to buy.

I walked back to the library, stopping first at the Salt Lake City Visitor’s Center and the gift store there. They have lots of neat stuff – some with “Salt Lake City” written on it, some candy treats, some jewelry, and books. Check it out.

After dinner, I visited the Ancestry Pro Genealogists open house and had fun socializing with lots of SLIG participants and Ancestry employees. I even met a member of my local genealogy society I have never met before.

Copyright © 2018 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I've had DeedMapper for years. It's a fabulous tool for plotting out irregular land shapes. It got to the point where I could identify before I got to the end of the directions whether or not the chain carrier directions had a mistake in the written version.

    1. I'm looking forward to using the program more. Most of my ancestors are in federal land states but I have quite a few still in Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Kentucky.

  2. Neat! Thanks for the tip about DeedMapper.


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