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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of Mar 29-April 4, 2021

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

I have completed fifty-five (55) weeks of semi- “lock down” due to Covid-19. This past week, I went out to shop for greeting cards at CVS, the History Center three times, and to the meadow for phenology.


Blog Writing:
Week 13: Music—Music in Our House Growing Up. I wrote about the different ways we celebrated music in our home from listening to the radio to playing musical instruments.

Updated Website. I chose a new template for the "My Trails into the Past" blog so it appears better when using a phone or tablet. I also chose a new template for the "Mam-ma’s Southern Family" blog, here. In both cases, I uploaded my own photo to use as the header and I really like how both blogs look.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Google Maps of Ancestral Homes. We were to seek out maps on Google of the location of an ancestral home, showing both a regular street map and a topographic map. Plus, I showed a screenshot of the house my dad and his family lived in in Napa, California as it looks today.

Easter Sunday in Past Years. I posted a few photos of our family celebrating Easter.

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I attended several study group meetings this week:
Monday Morning met, but because I came in late, I have no idea how many were in attendance. Jacqueline and I met for two hours discussing her trip to Oak Hill Cemetery. The CDG group listened to one of the newest CG’s journey with her portfolio. During Amigos we discussed how to change the template on our blogs. Thursday evening’s ladies peer group had three of us check in. Friday, the Cert Peer group discussed chapter 2 of Genetic Genealogy in Practice. Book Club discussed chapters 3 & 4 of 1919.

Webinars & Classes Attended
Irish Roman Catholic Records by Maureen Hanlon
50 Overlooked Genealogical Records in 50 Minutes by Diane L Richard

Client Work/Presentations:
I worked on the Adult School lessons and conducted some client work.

Volunteer & Own Work:
I co-hosted the California Genealogical Society’s last class on Irish Research (Part V) and the Introduction to Genealogy-Organization class taught by Ron Madson. I worked at the History Center on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. I wrote my column for the California Nugget.

Any free time I had was spent doing the pre-work for the BCG Skills class that I’m taking on Friday. We have two research problems to do that pertain to two New York counties and I’m pretty stumped, but learning a lot about New York records (or lack of). The problems could be better solved if we had marriage records!

Other: I attended the 2021 NMRA convention meeting on Wednesday and the PCR-Coast Division meeting on Saturday. I also wrote my director’s report for the upcoming PCR Board Meeting. I did more weeding this week around my native plant garden and gave them a good sprinkle.

I’m still reading the following books, the first two for book clubs and the last for pleasure:

  • 1919, The Year of Racial Violence by David F. Krugler
  • D-Day Girls by Sarah Rose
  • The Gilded Hour by Sara Donati
Photos taken this week: Here are some shots taken at the meadow where I was attempting to document the flowers on oak trees.
Male flowers

Female flower

Two flowers on one Buckeye stock

Copyright © 2021 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
