Happy Presidents Day! I have completed one hundred two (102) weeks of semi-lock down due to Covid-19. I went out to the History Center twice this week, the meadow for phenology, library to pick up a book, and train club for a show. Genealogy Blog Writing : Courting – The Courtship and Marriage of Amos Gorrell Jr & Catherine E Sayre in Ross County, Ohio I wrote about my husband’s great-grandparents’ courtship, based on Amos’s diary. 1950 Census Prep: Norman’s Maternal Relatives I located the Enumeration District numbers for my husband’s mother’s family. 1950 Census Prep for Maternal Relatives . I found the Enumeration District numbers for my mother’s side of the family, both in California and in Texas. O nline Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I met online with Jacqueline, my AppGen partners, Amigos, RootsMagic SIG, Peer group, and a group trying to start up the APG NorCal chapter again. Jacqueline and I were the only Amigos to meet. I am becoming frustrated wit...
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.