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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of May 23-29, 2022

I have completed one hundred fifteen (115) weeks of semi-lock down due to Covid-19. I spent most of the week in Sacramento attending the National Genealogical Society’s conference. I was masked most of the time: in the conference center, in the hotel, and in restaurants.


Blog Writing:

Three Generations of Yearbook Photos
I found the senior year photos of my paternal grandmother, her four children including my dad, and my own photo.

Great Adventures at the NGS Conference 2022 Instead of the normal post Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, which Randy Seaver did not do because of his hospital stay, I wrote about my adventures at the NGS conference.

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended: Just the NGS Conference. See the above blog post for details.

Client Work/Presentations:
I held my last Writing Workshop class on Monday morning before heading off to Sacramento with Jacqueline. We decided to meet once a month during the summer until fall classes.

Volunteer Work:
I volunteered at the information desk, the BCG booth, the CGS booth, and as a room monitor during the conference.

Own Work:
For my own work, I jotted down ideas that various speakers sparked that will be useful in future talks I give and future classes I teach. Conference lectures always give me ideas of places to research and presentation styles or techniques to try.

Webinars Viewed: See above post for the seventeen wonderful classes I attended during the conference.

Other: When I got home on Sunday, I spent part of the day helping my husband in the garden. He got five tomato plants into the ground and I pulled weeds, trimmed the pomegranate tree, and cleaned off a few tomato cages of the plants from last year. Photos below are of the progress.

I am reading:

  • The Guarded Gate by Daniel Okrent
  • Manitou Canyon by William Kent Krueger
  • Ghosts of Gold Mountain by Gordon H. Chang

Photos for this week: The first five plants are in! 

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
