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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of May 9-15, 2022

I have completed one hundred thirteen (113) weeks of semi-lock down due to Covid-19. I went out to the history center, the county court clerk offices in both Martinez & Richmond, Kaiser to get a booster shot, the dentist for a cleaning, and to the train club over the weekend for a two-day show.


Blog Writing:

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended: On Tuesday, I attended the Sonoma County Genealogical Society's board meeting on the possibility that I'll join as recording secretary in July. On Wednesday, I had a full day with study groups. I met with my certification mentee, the Certification Discussion Group, the Amigos, and with the CGS Roundtable. I attended the CCCGS annual meeting on Thursday. Friday I attended the CGS volunteer training for the NGS Conference.

Client Work/Presentations:
I presented the third writer’s class at the Adult School this week. I presented my Research Plans talk to the Chicago Genealogical Society. Lastly, I attempted to get a divorce for a client. The case number through them off and the Martinez office sent me to Richmond who has no divorce cases. Will try again on Monday and use the case number without the letter in front of it.

Volunteer Work:
At the history center, I filed all of the articles pertaining to Contra Costa County that Jim has collected from various historical journals that we decided not to keep. On Friday, we met with the website team to view the logo and first ideas for the website. They look very nice.

Own Work:
I worked more on the outline of the life of my great-grandfather’s brother, Albert Hork, who was a Roman Catholic priest. Surprisingly, newspapers have filled out most of the years of his life in the U.S. There is more research to do, but it’s been rewarding and to read what some papers wrote about him when he was moving on to a new parish were so moving. I might just have enough to write his biography.

Webinars Viewed: None this week.

Other: Train club had their every other month weekend open house and I operated trains both days. I had my second booster on Thursday and was pretty sick overnight with chills and then all day Friday with aches and a headache, that continued into Saturday. Each shot has wiped me out! But I am glad to be boosted in time for the NGS Conference in another week.

I am reading:

  • The Guarded Gate by Daniel Okrent
  • The Women of the House by Jean Zimmerman

Photos for this week: Photos from neighbors' yards.

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
