I am working on this year-long prompt, hosted by Amy Johnson Crow . I will write each week in one of my two blogs, either Mam-ma’s Southern Family or at My Trails Into the Past . I’m looking forward to writing about my children’s ancestors in new and exciting ways. This week the theme is black sheep, as in ancestors who didn’t behave well. Usually, these are those ancestors who caused enough trouble that their actions were found in the newspaper, making all of the details about their mishaps known to everyone within the reading public, and now with digitization, to anyone. I don’t seem to have one of those kind of ancestors but thought about someone who just didn’t follow the norms. Or couldn’t seem to keep his act together. My great-grandfather, Johan Anton Hork, was just that. He was born in Oberhundem, Kreis Olpe, in Westfalen on 9 November 1843. [1] He was the fifth child of ten born to Joseph Heinrich Horoch and Maria Catharine Trösster. His father died on 5 Oct...
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.