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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of February 25-March 2, 2019

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Blog Writing: I wrote the following blog post this week:
  • 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks For week 9, I wrote about my first visit to a courthouse for research in Erath County, Texas. Wish I knew then what I know now—I would have gathered a lot more. (Also wished digital cameras were used then, too!)
 Webinars/Study Groups Attended:  I attended:
  • “Spreadsheets 401,” by Mary Kircher Roddy for Legacy FamilyTree Webinars
  • “Hear Them Sing! Social History in Your Family Narrative” by Rebecca Koford, CG for RootsTech 2019
I also attended the Sacramento German Genealogy Society's meeting on a very rainy day. Marilyn Simleness presented a great talk on "The California Great Registers, and other Poll Books."

Our Cert Peer Group met but I was at the CGS library and couldn’t keep too focused. We mostly checked in. I spoke about submitting a proposal to the local adult school for a genealogy course.

I volunteered at the Oakland FamilySearch Library on Wednesday. Terrible weather and few patrons were there except for the African-American workshop. I was able to download a few “locked” images to my own computer.

Saturday, I presented  the Vital Records class for the California Genealogical Society’s Intro Class which we present on the first Saturday of the month. This was the first time and I got great feedback from the participants and fellow instructors.

I am also working on filing my own documents. I now have a stack of to be entered and filed that I am diligently working through. Next I’ll work on the family archives, storing photos properly. Melissa Barker answered my query about removing photos from frames (Yea!) which will help preserve the photo and give me more room.

Lastly, a group of genealogist who live in the Bay Area got together at Drake’s Dealership for lunch with Katherine Willson, who was visiting. We had a great time together making glitter tattoos (thanks Sheri) and getting to know each other better. My voice was sore from so much talking. There definitely was a buzz in the restaurant from all of us!

Genea-Gals at Drake's Dealership, used with permission

Other Activities

After phenology this week, I hiked up Mt. Wanda to take photos of leafless oaks against the green hills. The sky was beautiful with the sun in and out of the clouds most of the morning.

Sunday, was the Coast Division (of the National Model Railroad Association) meet, where we all worked the auction. I brought my laptop and instead of viewing clinics, I worked on more of my genealogy file processing.

Copyright © 2019 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I loved that lunch gathering so much - we had a lot of fun! I hope we do it again the next time I'm out there! :-)

  2. We love Drake’s Dealership. It’s one of our favs.


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