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SLIG 2019 Post #3

Four o'clock has come and we sadly finished up our class in Advanced Southern Research. It has been a great week learning about the particulars of southern research from the very esteem instructors, J. Mark Lowe, Kelvin Myers, Ann Gillespie Mitchell, and Ari Wilkins.

Anne taught us about cluster research and gave us tools to help us. Ari spoke about archives and special collections that are filled with wonderful resources that might have clues about our ancestors or help us learn more about the social, economic, and political history where they lived. I learned about specific manuscript collections from Kelvin and even used the resources to look at some records in the Shane Collection. And Mark spoke endlessly about listening for the story and to be ever ready to received the story from the records we collect.

My main take away from this class is to study the documents our ancestors created or were created about them. Study them deeply and listen for the stories they tell about their lives. Study the records of the people who were also a part of their lives: family, friends, associates, and neighbors. Their stories will certainly intertwine with the stories of my own ancestors, just as the family, friends, associates, and neighbors interact with my own life.

My goal in the coming months is to begin writing about my mother's southern ancestors, a request from my nephew. This course has given so much to think about when I review the documents I have collected and think about how I'll prepare for future research I might do. I would really like to take a couple of road trips to Dallas, Texas area and Mississippi.

Overall, SLIG 2019 has been a wonderful experience. I am thankful that the weather was pleasant and not too cold (only on the first day). I tried two new restaurants and had many meals with wonderful friends and acquaintances. I can't wait for the announcement for next year's classes at SLIG 2020 tonight at the banquet.

Copyright © 2019 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
