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Cousin Carrie: An Unmarried Woman Traveled Often

My paternal grandfather’s sister, Carrie, never married. By the time the family arrived in Hamilton, Montana, she was nearly an adult. She performed in plays, participated in social groups such as the Catholic ladies, and worked as a sales lady in clothing and millinery stores.

In her spare time, she visited family often in Missoula, where her sister, Mary, lived, and in Tacoma, where her sister, Urselle, lived. She also made trips to Southern California to visit her sister, Ida, and Lexington, Kentucky, to visit her niece.

Other times, she traveled with girlfriends and traveled along the countryside in an automobile. In 1936, she took an ocean trip to Alaska with friends, where they visited Juneau and Sitka. On another trip in 1949, she took a seven-week trip to Tacoma, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Carmel and visited friends in Great Falls, Kalispell, and Flathead Lake on her return.

These are just a few of the travels recorded by newspapers in small towns, that give great news about people’s activities. Single Carrie Hork was no exception. News of her travels, work, parties, and club activities was often recorded.

#Women’sHistoryMonth. March is Women’s History Month. This is post one of the women in my ancestry. Some will be direct ancestors, and others sisters, aunts, and cousins. 

Copyright © 2023 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
