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Nana Was the Fun Grandmother

My paternal grandmother, Anna Marie Sullivan, whom we called “Nana,” was our fun grandmother. Because she had been an elementary school teacher, she was used to being around young children and enjoyed it. She taught grades one and two mostly, though had taught in a one-room school in Napa. The school building still stands though is a private residence now.

Nana lived across the street from us in Pittsburg, California, where we lived until our move to Walnut Creek in 1963. There were four of us then, and Nana had us two oldest kids over to her duplex often, probably to relieve my mother, who was taking care of the younger ones.

She had a nice collection of books, from readers to picture books, and loved to read to us. One of my favorite books was Angus and the Ducks. The little dog just cracked me up. I enjoyed the readers, too, and probably helped me learn to read.

Nana also loved to sing and she taught us all kinds of kid songs. We would sing them together as we did chores such as washing dishes or straightening up the duplex. I do not remember any of the songs today, as they are all mixed up in my mind—did I learn them from Nana, Girl Scout Camp, or school? Some of the songs may have been nursery rhymes even.

She had special things she liked to prepare for us to eat. I think back now on them and cringe. How about a lettuce wrap sprinkled inside with sugar? Sugar on bread with butter? Even her pork chop recipe had sugar in it. She always made orange marmalade that we put on top of toast. She kept a jar of sour balls on the table, too. She sure must have had a sweet tooth.

There are times I really miss Nana. She listened to us tell her all kinds of things and really showed her interest in what we were doing.

#Women’sHistoryMonth. March is Women’s History Month. This is post one of the women in my ancestry. Some will be direct ancestors, and others sisters, aunts, and cousins. 

Copyright © 2023 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
