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Lorene was a World Traveler and I have Letters to Document it

My dad’s oldest sister, Lorene, had many adventures before she married. During World War II, she worked for the Navy at Mare Island, and later in the early 1950s, she worked for the Army in Japan. After a year in Japan, she and three other girls decided to return home the long way – across Asia and Europe. They quit their jobs and boarded freighters that took in passengers.

I know all about her adventures both in Japan and on her travels because the letters she wrote home were saved. She was very candid in her letters and today some statements would be considered politically incorrect.

Today’s post is about the letters she wrote. It is so nice to have samples of the letters our ancestors have written. I enjoy reading their thoughts and seeing their handwriting. Sometimes handwriting of family members is similar and many of the ways Lorene wrote her letterforms were like her mother’s letterforms.

Here is a sample of one letter written shortly after they sailed from Japan:

If interested in Lorene’s travels, I previously wrote about them in the following blog posts:

Travel – Lorene’s First Leg of Trip from Tokyo

“Dear Diary” – Taipei, a Continuation of Lorene Hork’s Trip

Transportation – Lorene Traveled Around the World Part III

Travel – Lorene Traveled Around the World Part IV

Transportation – Lorene’s Saga Around the World, Part V – By Boat to Cairo

#Women’sHistoryMonth. March is Women’s History Month. This is post one of the women in my ancestry. Some will be direct ancestors, and others sisters, aunts, and cousins.

Copyright © 2023 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
