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Aunt June’s High School Activities Documented by Newspapers

Because I am not a direct descendant of my Aunt June, I do not have any paraphernalia of her life. However, I can learn about some of her activities before her marriage by newspaper articles published in the towns where she lived.

In the summer of 1939, she returned to her home in Ontario, California after a visit with her aunt and uncle, Nellie and Harold Goe in Anaconda, Montana.[1] It does not state how long she was there, but my aunt told me she lived with her Aunt Nellie for one year and attended school in Anaconda. This would have been the school year 1938-39 and if her schooling was on a normal track, she would have been twelve years old and likely attended seventh grade.

In high school, she attended Napa High School in Napa, California. She was busy with school and church activities.

She was a member of two church clubs. One was the Young Ladies Institute, a Catholic women’s organization, where they helped the ill. She was initiated as a new member of the St. Cecelia Y.L.I. in October 1940.[2] Another article listed her as assisting the installation committee at their regular meeting held at St. John’s Hall.[3] The other club was the Newman Club, another club at St. John’s Church.[4] From reading the articles, it appeared that they had many social activities.

While a sophomore, June was elected as secretary of her sophomore class.[5] As a member of Girls’ League she modeled in a fashion show planned by the home economics department to instruct girls in how to conserve their clothes, something important during World War II.[6] She received a third-place award for some non-fiction writing from the journalism teacher at Napa Union High School.[7]

She served as a representative on the Junior class counsel.[8] And in the end of the year, she ran for Girls’ Vice President.[9] However, she was defeated by Elayne Stoy.[10] She ran again in her senior year.[11] She did not win. She came in last against a slate of four girls.[12]

June graduated on 9 June 1944 from Napa Union High School with the commencement ceremony held at Coleman Field.[13]

It is wonderful that June lived in small towns that have newspapers that have been digitized and easily searched. I have been able to fill in her life as a high schooler.

#Women’sHistoryMonth. March is Women’s History Month. This is post one of the women in my ancestry. Some will be direct ancestors, and others sisters, aunts, and cousins.

[1] “Anaconda Society Briefs,” Montana Standard (Anaconda), 27 July 1939, p. 2.

[2] “St. Cecelia Y.L.I. Initiates New Members; Holds Pot-Luck Supper,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 10 Oct 1940, p. 2, col. 4.

[3] “Jean Bertain Installation Chairman of Y.L.I.,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 28 Nov 1940, p. 2.

[4] “Final Plans for Newman Club Party Completed,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 9 Feb 1941, p 15, col. 5.

[5] “Juniors, Sophs Elect Officers,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 27 Feb 1942, p. 8, col. 3.

[6] “N.U.H.S. Girls Model Fashions,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 13 Mar 1942, p. 5, col. 4.

[7] “Scholarship, Athletic Awards Made to Napa Union High School Leaders,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 12 Jun 1942, p. 9, col. 4.

[8] “Class Officers Named at Napa High, Jr. College,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 23 Oct 1942, p. 5, col. 1.

[9] “Student Body Candidates are Picked at NUHS,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 28 May 1943, p 4, col. 6.

[10] “Nels Bettencourt Named President of Student Body,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 4 Jun 1943, p. 4, col. 4.

[11] “Student Officers Will be Elected at School Today,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 21 Jan 1944, p. 3, col. 5.

[12] “George Chierici Student Body Head at Junior College,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 28 Jan 1944, p 3, col 5.

[13] “High School to Graduate 150 Seniors,” Napa Journal (Napa, California), 2 Jun 1944, p. 1, col 2.

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