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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of Dec 14-20, 2020

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

I have completed forty (40) weeks of semi- “lock down” due to Covid-19. I went out only once this week on Wednesday to have a Covid-19 test at Kaiser in Antioch. I stayed home, quarantining until I heard back from the test. On Friday the results were negative. I guess I just had a small bout of the flu on Sunday. On Saturday, I did take a walk with my husband.


Blog Writing:
Blogs posted this past week:

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – Blog Caroling! I wrote about one of my favorite Christmas songs, “Christmas Canon.”

52 Ancestors-Week 51: Winter – Freak Snowstorm in Southern California on Virginia’s 5th Birthday. I had a photo of the snowman that the Hork girls, Virginia, Lorene, and June built on Virginia’s birthday. They were living in Ontario. I found a newspaper article about the snow and a photo of the possible house from Google maps.

Online Study Groups Attended:
Although I was under the weather part of the week, I did attend some study groups. Mostly I just listened instead of participating:

  • Monday Morning. I only attended about 30 minutes of the session.
  • Wednesday, the three of us Amigos met.
  • I attended the last GenProof study group with Tom Jones.
  • Thursday Evening Group there were five of us met.
  • Friday, four of us met with the Cert Peer Group where we discussed how successful we were with our 2020 goals. We may have not met all of them, but other good things came out of the year for some of us.

Webinars Attended:
“Chasing a Civil War Ancestor” by Jeff Vaillant.

Client Work/Presentations:
No client work or presentations.

Volunteer Work:
I attended the CGS RemCom meeting on Monday and the Contra Costa County Historical Society’s board meeting on Thursday, where I took minutes. Some of us volunteers also met earlier to plan for the CCCHS annual meeting in January which we will host on Zoom. 

Own Work:
I am reworking the first class in the Beginning Genealogy class for the Adult School. The one I had planned was too advanced. Taking the idea down a few notches and working through a research problem a step at a time. Once this one is finished, I believe the rest of the classes will just need some visual tweaking and quizzes created. Then I need to work on the advanced class. I really would like to get these done before SLIG starts in the second week of January.

We also had a 2021 NMRA Convention committee this week where I took minutes. I got out the rest of the Christmas cards.

I finished reading:
Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue by Victoria Thompson

I am working on:
A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage
Journey to Munich by Jacqueline Winspear

Photos taken this week: The theme from my walk was “red.”

Merry Christmas!

Copyright © 2020 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I love seeing all your photos. The third flower is really pretty, but I love the snowman. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Lisa. Glad your COVID test was negative.


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