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SNGF -- Status of Your 2023 Genealogy Goals

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:

It's Saturday Night again -

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Our assignment from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing is to:

1)  Marcia Philbrick wrote Goal Update this week on her Heartland Genealogy blog.  Linda Stufflebean suggested this would be a good topic for SNGF.

2)  What were your 2023 genealogy goals?  How are you doing in achieving them?  [If you didn't do goals this year, what goals would you like to achieve by the end of 2023?]

Here’s mine:
On 7 January 2023, we were asked for SNGF to make a list of our 2023 goals. I made three goals. I’ll list them here and update my progress.

1. Turn in my renewal portfolio for my CG recertification. My recertification isn’t due until the end of the year, and in fact, I received the application from BCG and see that I have a two-month extension, so it’s not due until the end of February 2024. I have been working on it and have 24 pages of a KDP partially written. I also have a research report that I’ll polish up as well. So, I am making progress on this goal.Ă¼

2.  Write research reports and proof summaries for my maternal family. Well, since I decided to not take a research trip this summer to Texas (too hot), I chose another family to write the KDP. I have not written much about my maternal side.

3.  Create new presentations for societies. I have four or five ideas for new presentations but have not put them to paper (or to PowerPoint). I must create one about how to leave your genealogy for a presentation I’m doing in September. I have been writing articles instead and creating new lessons for my institute classes.

So, of the three goals, I have started working seriously only on the first, and if one thinks about it, that is the most important one for me to accomplish this year.

Copyright © 2023 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. If I were you, I'd definitely focus on the recertification and get that off the table. the other goals can wait a bit.


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