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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of Jan 8–14, 2024

I have completed two hundred and one (201) weeks of semi-lockdown due to Covid-19. In the first full week of the new year, many of the usual activities started up again. Besides genealogy activities, I did phenology in the meadow, hiked with Wednesday Hikers, partied with German classmates, and birded with the Mt. Diablo Bird Alliance (a chapter of the National Audubon Society).  


Genealogy Meetings
Jacqueline and I met on Zoom for about an hour and it was so nice to catch up after the holidays. During Amigos, I met with Jacqueline and Stewart. The book club met to discuss The Girls Who Fought Crime. On Saturday, I attended the CGS annual meeting – my first time back in the library since the pandemic. It was nice seeing people in person. I rode BART in and luckily my walks to and from the station occurred between rain showers.

Genealogy Writing/Research
I continued writing small proof arguments for my RootsMagic database proving an individual’s parentage. In the process, I would get an idea about something and then go research. I ended up downloading about three dozen articles from the Sacramento Bee and Sacramento Union newspapers about my in-laws. My husband was interested in what we found about his dad. These will help when I write about his parents.

Blog Posts Published:

Origins – Where Did My Ancestors Come From? I wrote about the origins of my ancestors and my husband’s ancestors. I also used an image from the Excel chart made for Facebook years ago.

Level Up Challenge – 2024. I took the challenge from Yvette Hoitink to analyze where I stood in documenting each of my ancestral lines. She created an interactive Excel file that helps with that. I have a lot of work to do and most of it involves writing up the research. Both Linda Stufflebean and Randy Seaver highlighted this post in their "best of" blogs.

Genealogy Volunteer/Work
I sent out the press release for January’s BCG webinar on Legacy Family Tree Webinars. I attended both the Sonoma County Genealogical Society and the Contra Costa County Historical Society board meetings. The historical society meeting lasted two hours as we discussed upcoming lease negotiations. The Sacramento German Genealogy Society’s Der Blumenbaum team met to discuss articles for the next issue. I have two to write. I continued creating call signs for the library books at the History Center. Lastly, the AppGen founders met to discuss the upcoming registration and the future call for proposals.

Webinars/Courses Viewed:
None this week.

Other: We hiked at the Carquinez Straits Regional Trail between rain showers and did not get too wet. Afterward, the group of five had hot drinks at Skates, a coffee shop. I also did some birding at the Big Break Regional Park and the area near the Iron House sanitation area. We walked about two miles and I was sore—not from the two miles, but from standing so long in one place. Some bird highlights were watching the belted kingfisher, locating five great blue herons, and seeing dozens of American coots, a half dozen Western meadowlarks, and the white-tailed kite. On Friday, I helped Phred celebrate his birthday by trying out a new Mexican restaurant and sharing some cake and wine afterward.

I am reading:

  • White Bird by R.J. Palacio—FINISHED!
  • From a Far and Lovely Country by Alexander McCall Smith

Photos for this week. Still no flowers yet. Here is my German class with our teacher, Nancy, and a shot across the straits from the walk.

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great at documenting our own. I will write about what I have been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
