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SNGF -- Your "Favorite" Genealogy Researchers, Speakers, Writers?

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans: 

It's Saturday Night again - 

Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Our assignment from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings is to: 

1)  Who are your favorite genealogy researchers, speakers or writers?  Who do you learn from?  Please list ten or more genealogists who contribute to your genealogy education and experience through books, magazines, videos, podcasts, social media, websites, blogs, webinars, seminars, conferences, presentations, workshops, meetings, other ways or venues, etc.  

 Here’s mine:
After thirty years of doing genealogy research, there are many genealogy speakers and writers who influenced me over that time.

Elizabeth Shown Mills was my first influencer. I had a copy of that little book Evidence! and when she was to be the speaker for a seminar at the Sonoma County Genealogical Society, a group of us went to hear her. I took the book and she signed it. Since then, I have listened to her speak at conferences and online at Legacy Family Tree Webinars. She is doing another year of talks this coming year. I also follow her on her website Evidence Explained. She has been teaching us for years and continues to do so, even on Facebook.

At my first National Genealogical Society Conference in Salt Lake City, I discovered Tom Jones. He was the first session we attended after the keynote speaker and although I don’t remember what he spoke about, he wowed me. We then discovered the BCG track and tried to attend as many of those lectures as we could. I have taken numerous courses from Tom at institutes and he never fails to teach me something about writing, analyzing, and using Word.

Another favorite is Judy G. Russell, who I first discovered reading the Legal Genealogist blog. I have taken most of the institute courses from her and would listen to any webinar she presents. Her blog teaches us about how to use the law in interpreting our genealogy records.

Others I would spend money to listen to at an all-day seminar would be Michael Lacapo, Blaine Bettinger, Gene Philibert-Ortega, and Cyndi Ingle. Michael and Cyndi humorously convey the information. Blaine is excellent at talking about DNA so I understand it. And Gena makes social history come alive and relevant.

Blogs that I read include those written by Randy Seaver, Marian B. Wood, Thomas MacEntee, Linda Stufflebean, Jacqi Stephens, Stewart Blandon, Jill Morelli, Michael John Neill, and Grant Din. I also enjoy listening to the Genealogy Guys George Morgan and Drew Smith when I’m out walking.

We are so lucky to have so many good speakers and writers share their expertise with other genealogists.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. You've got some excellent speakers in your list. I forgot to add Jill to my list - I will have to edit my post! Love Cyndi Ingle, too!

  2. These are all great speakers and some you have introduced me too.


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