Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.
I have completed fifty-one (51) weeks of semi- “lock down” due to Covid-19. Now going into our 52nd week of this pandemic in California. I left the house this past week to teach at the adult school on Zoom, go on two walks, do phenology with Shirley at the meadow, volunteer at the History Center, and go to Kaiser to get my first Covid shot.
I didn’t write any of my blog
posts this week. I’ll have to work on two 52 Ancestors next week.
Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I attended several
study group meetings this week:
- Jacqueline and I met for an hour or so of conversation.
- Amigos on Wednesday and we heard about Linda’s research.
- Linda and I met up with the Ladies Group for about 30 minutes.
- Friday, the Cert Peer group checked in and since only three of us were there, we ended early.
- Book Club discussing the book 1919, The Year of Racial Violence by David F. Krugler.
Webinars & Classes Attended:
- When Does Newfound Evidence Overturn a Proved Conclusions? by Tom Jones, FGS On Demand
- Finding Irish Origins in US Records by Maureen Hanlon for CGS
I taught both Adult School classes: the last beginning class which covered
newspapers, and the third workshop class on how to record the search results in
the research plan.
I created two client acceptance letters for new clients. Looking forward to the new work.
& Own Work:
I led the fifth session of the GenProof study
group Tuesday morning. We discussed the third part of the GPS: analysis.
I worked at the History Center for a few hours. I found over a dozen queries, some from November and split the list between myself and Janet, who took care of the photo requests. We also had a Zoom meeting with the computer consultants. This should result in upgrades in computer systems and network.
Other: I worked on lesson plans. I attended my three German classes but missed my Swedish class. The vaccine for Covid gave me a reaction the next day. I had a severe headache and was so tired that I took a nap. That really helped. I hope the second shot isn’t as bad. However, I messed up taking minutes at the NMRA convention meeting because I was still in such a fog—so they weren’t saved.
Elizabeth came for a visit on Friday to help out with some cleaning and then we went out to dinner in downtown Martinez at the Greek restaurant. It was nice eating out—outside, too.
- Black
Diamond by
Martin Walker
- 1919, The Year of Racial Violence by David F. Krugler
taken this week:
Spring is definitely around the corner. Love this week's flowers.