I have completed ninety-eight (98) weeks of semi-lock down due to Covid-19. I went out to the History Center, to the meadow for phenology where it was icy, train club for a show night, and a memorial for a friend from the train museum. It was a very nice memorial, but too many people in a small space at the reception, so we sat outside to eat. Genealogy Blog Writing : Curious – How did the Sieverts of Schneidemuhl Posen Get to America in 1850s? For this week’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks post, I wrote about how I was trying to determine how my Posen ancestors got to Hamburg where they caught a boat to America in 1852. Saturday Night Genealogy Fun – What First Sparked Your Interest in Family History Our assignment was to describe how we got started in genealogy. O nline Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I met with Jacqueline on Monday and we talked about our future trip to Missouri and Kansas to do genealogy research. We debated whether to fly or take the train. Fl...
Researching: Davey, Gleeson, Gorrell, Hork, Hutson, Johnston, Jones, Lundquist, Nilsen, Selman, Sievert, Sullivan, Tierney, & Wollenweber.