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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of July 4-10, 2022

I have completed one hundred twenty-two (122) weeks of semi-lock down due to Covid-19. I volunteered at the history center and FamilySearch Library, attended a thank you party, and drove to Santa Rosa twice to visit Elizabeth.


Blog Writing:

Extended Family – Helen M. Gleeson, Teacher, Principal, & Superintendent I wrote about one of my 2x-great-aunt, who was a school teacher.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Your Favorite Summer Memory I wrote about how I spent a typical summer.

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended:
I met with my certification mentee this week. It was the only online meeting I attended.

Client Work/Presentations:
I worked on the school presentation for an upcoming presentation this coming week.

Volunteer Work:
I volunteered at the History Center on Tuesday. I scanned probate records. I’m so glad that Janet is back. I also volunteered at the Oakland FamilySearch Library. Hardly anyone was there, so I worked on my own projects.

Own Work:
I finished the timeline and wrote a blog post on Helena Gleeson. I still should see if I can find school records for her at the school district office or the historical society.

Webinars Viewed: I attended no presentations again this week.

Other: We visited Elizabeth and Doobie on the 4th and again with Margaret on the 9th. On the first trip, we drove to St. Helena for dinner at a hamburger joint and then returned to her place for some games of YamSlam! On Saturday, we drove Margaret up to stay a couple of days with Elizabeth and ate dinner at her restaurant. I watched Wimbledon tennis every morning and San Francisco Giants baseball in the evening.

I am reading:

  • Around the World on Two Wheels by Peter Zheutlin (for book club)—FINISHED!
  • The Dog Who Knew Too Much by Spencer Quinn
  • Ghosts of Gold Mountain by Gordon H. Chang
  • On the Farm Front: The Women’s Land Army in World War II by Stephanie A. Carpenter

Photos for this week: Some shots from St. Helena

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great at documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. There is always something appealing about photos of doors. You are giving me a nudge to post about my weeks. Maybe one of these days.


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