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Showing posts from March, 2025

Monday Genea-pourri, Week of February 24–March 2, 2025

I have completed two hundred and fifty-eight (258) weeks of semi-lockdown due to Covid-19. My outside activities were three trips to the History Center, and Train Club for the last Friday night show.  Genealogy Genealogy Meetings:    On Monday, I met with the CGG renewal accountability group, the NGS Conference committee meeting, the Monday Morning genealogy meeting, and Jacqueline, where we discussed our trip to RootsTech.  Wednesday, Amigos met and we caught up on our activities. Stewart and I agreed to read the new book Forensic Genealogy and discuss it.  At the RootsMagic SIG, Keith covered creating groups and I made a couple for men who were in the WWI and WWII drafts. Genealogy Volunteer/Work: At the History Center, I met with a new volunteer who will work monthly on the Bay Point Historical Society collection. We did an overview of what is in the filing cabinets. Friday, I went through the book donations from the public library and added about a third to ...

SNGF -- Your RootsTech 2025 Plans

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:  It's Saturday Night again -  Time for some more Genealogy Fun!! Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings has our assignment tonight. We’re to:  1)  'Twas the week before RootsTech 2025, and all through the house, the genealogists were checking their RootsTech schedule.  What classes are you looking forward to watching online (for FREE) or attending in person?  Here's mine: I will be at RootsTech, arriving early Wednesday morning. I will spend the day at the FamilySearch Library, then check in at RootsTech in the late afternoon. I am staying at the Hilton Hotel with my roommate, Jacqueline. She’s the one who loves attending RootsTech. I find the crowds a bit too much. My plan is to attend a few classes, but mostly hang out in the exhibit hall either at the BCG booth or the NGS booth. I will wear a mask in class and in the halls between classes. These are the classes I would like to attend. Thursday, Mar 6 “Finding Your World War I or W...