Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
1) 'Twas the week before RootsTech 2025, and all through the house, the genealogists were checking their RootsTech schedule. What classes are you looking forward to watching online (for FREE) or attending in person?
Here's mine:
I will be at RootsTech, arriving early Wednesday morning. I will spend the day at the FamilySearch Library, then check in at RootsTech in the late afternoon. I am staying at the Hilton Hotel with my roommate, Jacqueline. She’s the one who loves attending RootsTech. I find the crowds a bit too much. My plan is to attend a few classes, but mostly hang out in the exhibit hall either at the BCG booth or the NGS booth. I will wear a mask in class and in the halls between classes.
These are the classes I would like to attend.
Thursday, Mar 6
“Finding Your World War I or WWII Soldier” by Rick Sayre. 8:00 am
“In that Case: Using Published Court Cases” by Judy G. Russell. 9:30 am.
Friday, Mar 7
"Kentucky's Public and Publicly Available Records" by Susan J Court, 8:00 am
“Genealogists Get Geeky! A Candid Chat on Methodology” by a panel. 12:30 pm.
Saturday, Mar 8
“Germans, Coming and Going: Essentials of Exit and Arrival Records” by a panel. 8 am
"Exploiting Manuscripts and Special Collections to Solve Problems" by Karen Auman 9:30 am
"Why did it Say That & Other Contextual Clues" by Rebecca Koford, 1:30 pm
I am very disappointed that the online schedule and the app on my phone won't sync. I had to add the classes manually.
Have fun at RootsTech and I hope you find some good stuff in the library. I'll miss seeing everyone. Safe travels, too.