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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of March 10-16, 2025

It’s been 5 years since the first lockdown due to Covid-19. Although I am still as cautious as we should be for any illness, I won’t count down the time anymore.  The only reason to make note of my outside activities is to show that I do more than sit at a computer all day.

Genealogy Meetings:   
Since this was the second week of the month, I had several meetings on Monday, first starting with my renewal accountability group at 8 am. Our NGS convention meeting was canceled, so I was able to attend the Kinseekers military SIG meeting. Jacqueline and I met later in the afternoon. Sunday, I attended book club and our group discussed Wanderers: A History of Women Walking.

Genealogy Volunteer/Work:
I volunteered twice at the History Center. On Tuesday, I was there from 1 to 4 pm and closed the center, since our director was ill. I opened the next day and worked until 2. I worked on accessions, recording them in our notebook and on PastPerfect. I also worked on processing a collection.

I sent out two press releases for the Board for the Certification of Genealogists. I also took minutes at the Sonoma County Genealogical Society board meeting.

Our monthly writing group met. We discussed two members’ work and RootsTech sessions from last week.

Genealogy Writing/Research:
For research, I worked on my neighborhood project for my SLIG class, switching the locality to Erath County, Texas, because I found a map where I could plat the deeds involving James Madison Coor.  

For writing, I worked on my column article for the CGS journal Nugget. I also tried to set up printing the book at about my parents that I wrote last December. Even with the help of my sister, I couldn’t get it to load correctly without errors. I have since decided to print the book on my printer and take it somewhere to have wire-bounded. I need it finished by April 6 when my family meets for lunch.

Blog Posts Published:

For the theme of “brick wall,” I wrote about my great-aunt’s uncle, Harold Goe’s work with the brickworks at the Anaconda Copper Mining Co.

I chose four of my favorite webinars aired in the past six months.

Webinars/Courses Viewed: 
I attended the NGSQ study group hosted by Cyndi Ingle and we discussed Pamela Lyons Brinegar’s article “The Case of the Missing Moffetts of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.”

I also attended the fourth SLIG class coordinated by Kimberly Powell. We heard Colleen Green show us how to do an urban neighborhood study with maps. 
  • Exploring Unindexed Records With Family Search Labs: Unlocking Hidden Gems In Genealogical Research by Linda Debe (Heritage Seekers Genealogy Club)
This weekend our model train club had an open house for the public. I worked set up, which does troubleshooting of trains that cannot move or become derailed. It is a tiring job climbing up on ladders to reach the highest points of the layout and crawling on hands and knees to reach under the layout. Still, it’s very rewarding trying to keep the trains moving. I also put my new BART train on the layout and John took it around for a spin. Below is a photo of the train on the layout.

I am reading: 
The Quest for Annie Moore of Ellis Island by Megan Smolenyak
Miss Merkel: Mord in der Uckermark by David Safier (for German class—up to Chap 23)

Photos for this week. 
Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great at documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Great model train photo! By the way, I hope all who attended RootsTech came home healthy?

    1. Well, I did. I was careful to wear a mask when the area was crowded.


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