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Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- What Do You Take After From Your Parents and Grandparents?

Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:

It's Saturday Night again -

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Another fun activity from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings.

“Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):”

1) What do you "take after" or "favor" from our parents and/or grandparents? It could be looks, traits, mannerisms, speech, etc.

2) Put it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a Facebook post. Please leave a link in a comment to this post.

Thanks to one of his readers, Liz Tapley, for suggesting this topic.

One of my biggest traits is the huge cowlick in front. I could never have bangs when all of the other girls had bangs in school. They would just stick up or flip to the side. So, I mostly wore my hair straight back in a pony tail.

My brother, Jon, and my daughter, Margaret, also have these cowlicks. Jon spent a year wearing a ski cap to train his hair to lay flatter and it mostly worked.

One day, I got some photos of my maternal grandfather when he was a young boy, and low and behold, guess where that cowlick trait came from! I never know, because he always wore his hair cut so short it was probably only a half a centimeter tall, if that. I guess that is one way to hide your cowlick.

Both with cowlicks on the right

Today I part my hair on the side and let the style of my hair use the cowlick to flip up my hair. Works great when the hair is cut just right. However, with Covid and the lack of haircuts, the weight of the hair is holding it down flat.

Neither of my parents were very tall and when younger, I stood 5 feet, 2 inches. I am under 5 feet now due the curvature of my spine from scoliosis. It turns out my maternal grandmother had it, too. She started out at 5 feet, 3 inches, and she was probably only 4 feet, 9 inches by the time she died at age 99.

I got the love of watching sports from my father and his mother. Both were big San Francisco Giants fans. When I was younger, I also watched football with my father. At that time, he followed the Oakland Raiders. By the time he started following the San Francisco 49ers, I was married and had lost interest in football. I became more interested in watching tennis. So, to this day, I still follow baseball and tennis. While my daughters were young, we learned to enjoy soccer and watching them play. I will occasionally watch women’s soccer on T.V.

Because I was more of a tomboy, I wasn’t like either my mother or her mother in personality or have the same interests. There were few things that we were interested in together. Perhaps with my mother, I liked old things and finding treasures at antique and used stores. With my grandmother, she was very interested in her later years of the genealogical quest I was making.

Bits and pieces of all our ancestors are a part of ourselves. Some parts we like and some parts not so. But it’s fun to see those same traits get passed on to our children.

Copyright © 2021 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


  1. It is interesting to figure out where our looks and mannerisms come from. This was a fun challenge.

  2. How cool to discover the source of your cowlick! What a great find!

    I didn't know you have scoliosis also. I haven't found anyone else in my family with it, just me.

    1. It was pretty cool seeing that photo of my grandfather. His brothers had one, too. I didn't know I had scoliosis until well into my 50s. I always wondered if my parents knew. I know now it was visible when I was a teen.


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