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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of July 19–25, 2021

I have completed seventy-one (71) weeks of semi- “lock down” due to Covid-19. I went out to the History Center twice, phenology, and two grocery stores with my husband, where we wore masks. Otherwise, we took walks in our neighborhood. Numbers of cases are rising again in our county, so I wear a mask in public indoor spaces.


Blog Writing: I wrote two posts this week.

52 Ancestors—Week 29: Fashion—Mam-ma and Aunt Bev Pose for the Camera I posted a few photos of my grandmother and my great-aunt posing for the camera. They always were well-dressed for any occasion.

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun—What Memories do You Have of Family Sickness or Deaths? I wrote about my grandparents’ deaths and funerals.

Online Study Groups & Meetings Attended: I attended Monday Morning, Jacqueline, Amigos, and Peer Group this week, where we spoke about genealogy and answered each other’s questions. I shared about the new venture I’m involved in: Applied Genealogy Institute. AppGen members had a meeting and reported on tasks done and those needing to be done.   

Webinars & Classes Attended
: I attended several webinars this week. The third week of the month always have a few good ones, especially the BCG webinar.  

  • Time of Cholera by Alison Hare
  • Irfanview, Part I by Ron Madsen
  • That Scroundel George by Judy G Russell
  • Jello Molds, Peacocks and Turtle Soup: Tracing Your Family’s Food History by Gena Philibert-Ortega
  • Improving the Odds of Acceptance by Laura DeGrazia
  • Finding Stories in Maps by Sue Long

I also attended the orientation for the upcoming Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research which will be on Zoom daily from 7 am to 2 pm. My course is on beginning DNA.

Client Work/Presentations: I continued working on lesson plans for the upcoming Land institute class I’m teaching this fall. I am probably about a third of the way done with the handout and PowerPoint presentation. I am doing them in-tandem. I created a Facebook page for AppGen Institute and emailed Elizabeth about updating the logo.

Volunteer & Own Work:
I co-hosted Ron Madsen’s class for the California Genealogical Society. I also volunteered one full day at the Contra Costa County Historical Society’s History Center where John and I culled books from the society’s library, and an afternoon/evening at the Oakland FamilySearch Library, which I will be doing on the first and third Wednesdays now. I didn’t help anyone, and instead grabbed deed records from Copiah Co, Mississippi.

I spent time watching San Francisco Giants games this past week and will likely watch Olympics. I especially like gymnastics, volleyball, tennis, soccer, and some of the track and field.

I also attended a Coast Division planning meeting on Monday and the Coast Division get-together on Zoom on Saturday. It was nice watching David show us soldering tips.

I’m reading the following books (I know, I’m crazy):

  • Brave Like That by Lindsay Stoddard – FINISHED!
  • Marcel’s Letters by Carolyn Porter
  • Girl Waits with a Gun by Amy Stewart
  • Zotero for Genealogists by Donna Cox Baker
Photos for this week: Some more photos of flowers from my yard and neighborhood.

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

 Copyright © 2021 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.


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