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Monday Genea-pourri, Week of July 15–28, 2024

I have completed two hundred and twenty-eight (228) weeks of semi-lockdown due to Covid-19. Our daughter and her boyfriend came from NYC and we ate indoors at four restaurants. I also went to the History Center and picked up my eyeglasses.


Genealogy Meetings:  
I met up with Jacqueline on Monday and we discussed citations. I also met with Stewart and Jacqueline on Wednesday and we spent the time catching up. I attended the CCCGS SIG on Monday and told them about the research trips to Texas and Joliet. Lastly, our RootsMagic SIG was on Wednesday and we discussed adding events and printouts.

Genealogy Writing/Research:
For my 52 Ancestors post this week, I found the rosters of my uncle’s two ships he served on during WWII and created a spreadsheet to keep track of them. I could order the ship logs from the National Archives next.

Blog Post Published:

My Uncle Wally Waldron Served in the Navy in San Francisco Bay. For 52 Ancestors’ theme of “Boats” I wrote about the naval service of my aunt’s husband, Wally Waldron during WWII before they married.

SNGF: Surname Search in FamilySearch Full-Text Search Will Collections. We were asked to search in this new search at FamilySearch, using the surnames in our family I chose the surnames of my great-grandparents, as well as my husband’s.

Genealogy Volunteer/Work:
I continued working on the Pleasant Hill Historical Society collection at the History Center. I am focusing on their society records: newsletters, minutes, president’s papers, etc. Everything is in binders, so I am putting the papers into folders and putting them into document boxes.

Webinars/Courses Viewed: I viewed a few in person and others by recording. I’m all caught up on the presentations I wanted to view at the NGS Conference.

  • Using Cluster Research to Prove Kinship by Dana Palmer (NGS Conference)
  • The Widow Wins, the Barkeep Loses: Using Historical Context and the FAN Club to Enrich Your Family Stories by Candace Manx (APG Writers SIG)
  • Organizing FAN Club Research with Airtable: Who was John West? by Nicole Dyer (NGS Conference)
  • DNA's FAN Club: Using Shared Matches to Solve Genealogical Mysteries by Paula Williams (NGS Conference)
  • Genealogical Research & Writing: Are you a Saint, Sinner, or Bumfuzzled Soul? by Elizabeth Shown Mills (LFT Web)
  • Mapping Ireland's Records by John Grenham (Calif Gen. Society)

This week our daughter came to visit with her boyfriend. We picked them up from the airport, drove around San Francisco showing them some sights, and then to their motel, along with our spare car for their use. We had dinner with them on Friday after their day trip to Sacramento on the train. On Saturday, we drove them to Santa Rosa where they will stay with our other daughter. We had lunch in Petaluma, visited Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve near Guerneville, and had dinner at the Flamingo Hotel.

I also watched some Giants baseball and some of the Olympics events on Sunday. The women’s soccer game versus Germany was exciting to watch.

I am reading:

  • Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation by Tiya Miles
  • To Kill a Troubadour by Martin Walker

Photos for this week. My daughter and I hiked at Briones Friday morning and we walked some trails at Armstrong.

Genealogists are great at documenting our ancestors’ lives but not so great at documenting our own. I’ll write about what I’ve been doing the past week. This idea came from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing, who started this meme.

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, My Trails into the Past. All Rights Reserved.
